Maintenance of vacuum belt filter

Vacuum belt filter can be applied to a variety of conditions under the conditions of the material, high filtration efficiency, which was heavily preferred by the industry. Vacuum belt filter in the use of the process should pay attention to lubrication maintenance:
1, before driving, worm gear reducer should be injected into the 80 industrial gear oil to adapt to the location. The first refueling operation 100 hours immediately after the replacement of new oil and the tank of sewage oil dry, and then rinse with kerosene, into the clean gear oil or oil, after every six months to replace a lubricant, working conditions should be appropriate to shorten the oil cycle. Reducer work attention to the location of lubricants, often add lubricants;
2, other drive maintenance in accordance with the device maintenance instructions to deal with;
3, the chain drive should be installed before the removal of dirt, in the normal operation of water or other materials such as contamination, should always wipe, in the wiping drops on the 20 oil lubrication;
4, vacuum chamber roller cleaning and cleaning 2 times a year, and into the SY1524-65 or ZGN69-2 ball bearing grease;
5, the annual cleaning filter cloth drive roller, cleaning device, roller brush correction device and the Tuo Duo bearing bearing 1-2 times, into the SY1524-65, ZGN69-2 ball bearing grease lubrication.
Vacuum belt filter
